Whether you’re looking for a greener more environmentally friendly way to provide company documentation to your customers, need a more durable form factor or want to promote your companies’ other services or collect customer feedback then using QR codes may be the best and simplest method to do this.

Easy access to manuals

These can be printed and applied to any device or piece of equipment and contain a printed manual on how to get started, troubleshooting, or how to clean and care for the product. The more complex the product or equipment, the thicker the manual. Using a PDF QR Code on the manual allows your customers to access a digital version of it with a single scan. Customers can save the PDF on their smartphone and have the manual in their pocket ready to help any time.

Improve your product or service

Adding a QR feedback form for your customers or a link to review the company or service is a great way to improve services and customer confidence. Whenever they purchase one of your products, they can simply scan the code to give you a detailed review of the buying experience and the product itself. What comes in handy is the fact that every review you get through the Feedback QR Code will automatically be sent to your inbox. Removing the need to have to collect paper surveys anymore and customers can submit their review anytime.

Ultra Durable QR labels

Unlike a paper manual, survey, or any other technical information a QR label can provide a durable solution that can survive for years on a product or equipment in even the harshest of environments. The labels can be printed under-surface, so the print cannot be scratched or marked, they can use UV resistant ink and provide reliable protection from chemical cleaners and even a saltwater environment. Some of the most successful use of QR stickers are in sectors such as construction and hire equipment where any paper printed manuals, safety guidance or customer feedback forms would not hold up to the tough environment the equipment is used in.

With over 25 years of experience, Custom Labels can provide labelling solutions to fit your requirements. If you would like us to provide a quote or to discuss your labelling needs further, please contact one of our sales team on 01278 433800 or email sales@customlabels.co.uk.